Saturday, March 29, 2008

my choice

well as you have probly read from my earlyer posts i'm facing a disapointing problem :( earlyer me and my dad had planed to go to utah for vacation. i had also recently found out that i had made the talent show singing my heart will go on. i have been waiting a long time to visit utah again, and also been practicing really hard for the talent show. so i though all was well because both were going to happen...WRONG the day that the talent show is taking place i am schedueled to be in utah. sad, but true. also during the time i would be in utah is a big choir concert, but i faced my decision that i will go to utah and miss the talent show and choir preformance. i already made up for missing the choir concert and well because of my cowardness haven't told the talent show director that i'm not attending. the lady scares me and i'm afraid of getting into trouble, so i'm acctually not planning on ever telling her ;) haha. but i'm excited for utah even though i am a little disapointed about what i am going to be missing out on, but it's all good.


Lacking Productivity said...

Try to find the lady's email address...then you can tell her and not have to see her!

Katrine said...

Madison, you need to tell her! Be brave!