Sunday, March 2, 2008


Do you know how to ride a skateboard?
yes, no very well but i can. i prefer a wave board or rip-stick though.
Why do you think people duck when someone says, heads up?
because once apon a time someone mean decided to throw a rock at a man. the mean guy threw the rock and yelled "headsup!" the man looked up and got hit in the head with the rock. the mean guy hit the man. so now when someone yells "headsup" everyone knows to look duck just incase a mean person is playing a trick on you. after a while people thought that "headsup" really ment to duck, because that's what everyone would do. the end.
Do you like to sing in the shower?

i would, because i love to sing. but i'm affraid to because one time when i was singing in the shower my mom came into the bathroom and started recording me! ever sense then i havent. GOSH MOM!
When you're at the beach would you rather play in the sand or water?

the water. i love swiming. but if the water is gross like it often is then maybe i would just walk along the shore and play in the sand :)
What's your favorite movie?

i hate "favorite" question, because that means i have to pick on over others. that's not very nice to the other movies. but i like a lot of movies.
Do you ever think out loud?

haha. wow yes! all the time. i get in trouble for that at school. i always have to be moving or talking or doing something else annoying.
Do you like baths or showers?

um...both i guess. it just depends what mood i'm in. i usually take a shower though.
Favorite color?

again with the "favorites" hmm..i like pink, purple, and green.
Do you dance crazy when no one is looking?
haha. oh yes! i'm one of thoughs really weird people. and i dance around for no apparent reason all the time. in the middle of school, in the middle of the store, when i'm alone, when i'm in public. i really dont care.

Favorite book?
i am starting to think that the computer knows i dont like "favorite" questions and it's asking them just to make me mad. i like to read when i want to. i like twilight and other good books that make me smile :)
What do you think is the most useless class in highschool?

haha. hmm..well i think geometry is stupid. i understand it and all, but when on earth am i going to need that? ponder on that.
Favorite animal?

dogs :) i love love love love love love love love LOVE love love love love dogs.
Card games or board games?

monopoly, life, cranium, and other brain hard games :)
Should people eat the fish they catch or throw them back?

if you want to eat it, eat it. i don't trust anything i catch myself. but i'll eat other fish if i never saw it alive at any time, because that's just weird.
Do you think that a zebra could ride a skateboard?

now that is just a weird question...i LOVE it. my answer is no. it's just not likely okay.
Most hated movie?

okay i have no idea. i dont like movies that dont intrest me. narrow it down for you?
What did you want to be when you were a little kid?

i always wanted to be a vet. i have always loved animals, and i guess that just sounded fun to me.
Worst book you ever read?

frankenstein, that book made no sense at all! i was so confused.
Favorite time of year?

i like all seasons, because there is something different about them all that makes me smile :) but i like my birthday, summer, winter, and christmas.
Best pizza toppings?

cheese, cheese, and more cheese! yummy :)
Breath underwater or talk to animals?

talk to animals! i wish i could talk to animals. that would be weird, but cool. and fun :)
Explore the ocean or the moon?

the ocean. i love water, and i'm not ever leaving the planet while i'm still alive. too scary!
Ride a camel across the sahara or ride a dogsled through the north pole?

ride a dogsled through the north pole. i like the cold and i bet that would be fun. but not for very long.
What place would not like to visit the most?

i dont want to go to hell. that sounds really scary to me. heaven or earth. that's good for me.
Preform or be on the backstage?

i like to preform. i like to be seen and heard :)
Would you rather be happy and die young or be miserable and die old?

happy and die young, because if i was miserable and old then i would waste a lot of time unhappy. and i like to be happy.
If you could be a shape which would you be?

a unique shape that no one else was. it would be call a maddie.
What song do you think best describes you?

oh goodness. the maddie song. it's a song that i'm writting. it's the story of my life. it's very long :)
If a bear with rabies was chasing what would you do?

get away. i dont want to bet rabies. that would not be fun. i like to have fun.
What's your favorite flower?

all of them! i love flowers they are so pretty! and they make me smile :)
Would you ever crossdress if someone dared you to?

haha maybe. it would be weird. but it depends. haha. probly.
Whats the most outrageous thing you would do for a million dollars?

haha. i dont know about that one. i would probly do a lot for a million dollars.
Other than building buildings what is a brick useful for?

something that a mean person would hitt harriet tubman on the head with.
If you were caught in a lie what would you do?

appologize and explain.
If you could go back in time would you change anything?

no, because then i wouldnt learn anything. if i could just redo things then i wouldnt learn from my mistakes. everything happens for a reason.
What time period would you go back to if you could go back to your favorite

i wouldnt. i'm happy in the twenty first centery :) electricity is good.
What dead person would you want to have a conversation with if you could?

my grandmother nina shelton. (my mom's mother) she past away when i was two years old.
What's your favorite sport, and favorite player?

my favorite sport is soccer and my favorite player is me, because i can feel everything that she can and i have so much fun playing soccer.
Who in your life do you think gives you the best advice?

my mom, she's always helping me get threw stuff. <3
If you weren't doing what your doing now, what would you rather be doing?

sleeping sounds good :) i think i would like that.
Were you ever a bully or were you bullied or neither?

i have messed around with my brothers a lot. i know i shouldnt, but i do. i'm not too bad though :) i have been bullied before, but it doesnt bother me.
If you could live you life without going to the bathroom, would you?

hahaha um...i dont see how that is possible, but yeah. i guess so. save time. and i guess would be more comfortable.


Katrine said...

You're funny!

Lacking Productivity said...

Your mom recorded you!!! I would have died! Well, maybe if I actually had singing talent I would have been fine with it.